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Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)

I recently completed a three-part series over at on Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory”. It is completely based on a single paper that he wrote. I have read two or three of Mills’s books in the past. I considered reading his book with Carole Pateman, Contract & Domination, before writing this series, …

Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)Read More

Memo: Avoid autobiographical fiction

I just found two story outlines, both about 10 pages of notes, that I exerted a great deal of effort into trying to flesh out for potential novels. I hadn’t reviewed them for a while and now with fresh eyes I see they could not possibly be anymore autobiographical. For most of us, this should …

Memo: Avoid autobiographical fictionRead More

Notes on Space and Place, Feminist Geography, and Related Texts

I. In Hortense J. Spillers essay, “Notes on an Alternative Model – Neither/Nor,” from Black, White, and in Color: Essays on American Literature and Culture, she surveys William Faulkner in a study of negation of the Other and gender. Spillers states, “[t]he exterior other in positive identity is, for Faulkner, a female, and in the …

Notes on Space and Place, Feminist Geography, and Related TextsRead More

Memo: Desensitization to Violence in Fiction May Be a (Contemporary) “Evolutionary” Trait

“Evolution is blind and drink. It stumbles along through trial and error and emerges with a barely adequate excuse of a being.” – Dinal, from The Orville episode, “Mortality Paradox” I realize violence has always existed in fictional tales. This is nothing new. However, I would argue that physical violence of our current era in …

Memo: Desensitization to Violence in Fiction May Be a (Contemporary) “Evolutionary” TraitRead More