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Memo: Desensitization to Violence in Fiction May Be a (Contemporary) “Evolutionary” Trait

“Evolution is blind and drink. It stumbles along through trial and error and emerges with a barely adequate excuse of a being.” – Dinal, from The Orville episode, “Mortality Paradox” I realize violence has always existed in fictional tales. This is nothing new. However, I would argue that physical violence of our current era in …

Memo: Desensitization to Violence in Fiction May Be a (Contemporary) “Evolutionary” TraitRead More

Memo: Rethinking Degrowth as Resistance to Capitalism

I have had some time to rethink what Koch & Elmore wrote about Baudrillard’s elaboration on Marxist ideas and the pervasiveness of capitalism. I have two or three Baudrillard texts, but it has been so long since I have read them, I could not tell you if they discussed these issues, so keep in mind …

Memo: Rethinking Degrowth as Resistance to CapitalismRead More