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Short Note: Russian Defenestration

Given the unusually high amount of traffic and readership this site has been getting from Russia, I thought it might be best to address those readers directly. I am not sure if I am getting readership from anti-Putin individuals or some twisted pro-Putin, pro-oppression, pro-war crimes lost souls, but in any case, I should make …

Short Note: Russian DefenestrationRead More

(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.

I wrote this poem a few days ago about the approach of my God, which often presents themself as feminine, but also about the coming women’s movement that will certainly arrive in waves against the new incoming administration in the U.S.. She Will Meet Them in the Sand and the Frowning Parade sagacity warrant for …

(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.Read More

Memo: My Witnessing of the United States

Last month I wrote a rather important poem. It is important because it focused down on my testimony and insight into the United States. It is not easily understand or deciphered. However, such are the conditions I can say I am a witness to. If there is an afterlife, I will offer what insights I …

Memo: My Witnessing of the United StatesRead More

Reposting: Clarification of a poem

Lots on wordplay in the poem I wrote this morning. I suppose it helps to know that “love-in-idleness” is just another phrase for heartsease, which is a flower, a pansy, the type that most hybrids come from, Viola tricolor, / family Violacease. Play on heart /mix of/ word refrain (musical), symphonies, lecture halls, decry, shifting …

Reposting: Clarification of a poemRead More

Half-truths are like bad poetry (trivial notes)

By nature people tend to see and hear and they want to see and hear. It really cannot be helped and isn’t going to be washed out of them in the space of a few social media messages. And yet, the all intellectual, justice-striving liberal left has no problem making fun of these very people …

Half-truths are like bad poetry (trivial notes)Read More

God is Coming for Me Soon: My Ongoing, Complex, Relationship with Progressive Theology

Recently I wrote the poem, “A Vision of Sands,” about seeing my God with Her clinched hand, either about to rescue her people or already in the process of already doing so. This was not poetic extravagance, but an actual minor vision I experienced. This was far from the first time over the years, the …

God is Coming for Me Soon: My Ongoing, Complex, Relationship with Progressive TheologyRead More