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Note: Capitalist Evangelism

Those traditionally oppressed by capitalism just want to navigate to a system where they can be capitalists themselves. It is evangelism in it sharpest form. Segments of the population seem to only want their traditional oppression to be (re)membered, (re)called, and (re)empathized in order to become the oppressor themselves. There is no longing for a …

Note: Capitalist EvangelismRead More

Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)

I recently completed a three-part series over at on Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory”. It is completely based on a single paper that he wrote. I have read two or three of Mills’s books in the past. I considered reading his book with Carole Pateman, Contract & Domination, before writing this series, …

Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)Read More

Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist Readings

(Not all of these are citations in Chicago Style, why? Because there is enough information to show you were to find the book or article and I do not have to patience to go through all of them) Pamela K. Gilbert’s essay, “Sex and the modern city: English studies and the spatial turn,” from The …

Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist ReadingsRead More

Reposting: Theory of Monetized Empathy

Theory of Monetized Empathy – states that people are more likely to be oppressed by other people if they lack financial well-being. Intersectionality still applies. This is a holistic theory, all encompassing, and true. Given the reality of economic inequality and humanity’s refusal to intellectually entertain abolishing currency, we are left with the reality that …

Reposting: Theory of Monetized EmpathyRead More

Short Note: John Bellamy Foster thinks mass murder is acceptable

Ecosocialism does not include mass murder, but it seems, John Bellamy Foster did not get the memo. Here he is quoting Lenin with reverence: In applying a historical materialist critique to the process of the destruction of reason, Lukács, periodised the growth of irrationalism in terms of the imperialist or monopoly stage of capitalism. Lenin …

Short Note: John Bellamy Foster thinks mass murder is acceptableRead More

Memo: “Degrowth needs more strategic planning.” – Dr. Federico Savini

From “Degrowth, legitimacy, and the foundational economy,” a Response to Yvonne Rydin common published in Planning Theory (2024) If we accept the scientific evidence that decoupling is not occurring at the speed and scale required to meet critical climate and ecological targets, then we need to talk about lowering the amount of production and consumption. …

Memo: “Degrowth needs more strategic planning.” – Dr. Federico SaviniRead More

Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)

The way I seem to think of it, ecology has a lot in common with ontology. If only we had an Emmanuel Levinas of ecology out there writing book after book today. Maybe there is and I just don’t know. And yes, I have several of John Bellamy Foster’s books. And no, I would not …

Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)Read More

Not So Open Access After All: The Land Is Our Community

I had marked my calendar for when The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium would become open access, as the author told me would be, but it most certainly has not. Very disappointing. I even waited for some time after the initial release and searched for where the eBook …

Not So Open Access After All: The Land Is Our CommunityRead More

Note: Righteous Nation Ideology in Science Fiction and Climate Justice Today

John F. Sitton’s criticism in “Hannah Arendt’s Argument for Council Democracy” (Polity, 1987 – link) and Odd Arne Westad’s outline of the Korea’s Neo-Confucian ‘Righteous Nation’ ideology (Empire and Righteous Nation, 2021) perfectly shows what we know about the intended goals of the Abrahamic god, and the limitations of that god’s promises. This is essentially …

Note: Righteous Nation Ideology in Science Fiction and Climate Justice TodayRead More

A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human Rights

Ken Booth’s essay, “Three Tyrannies,” from the text, Human Rights in Global Politics (eds. Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler), posits a highly instructive foundation stone, a guide map, for societal change that considers our differences, argumentative positions, and then reifies human worth through a simple matter of direct application, though in reality, confrontation to …

A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human RightsRead More