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© Richard J Tilley. All Rights Reserved.
balance = properly appraised
balances = property appraised
Excerpt from Provoking God
One of the comforting things about faith is certainty. One of the most dangerous things about faith is certainty. At the risk of being identified with one certain faith, I am posting the conclusion to my book-length project, Provoking God: Sacred Hope, Social Justice, and the Hebrew Bible. Though I now hear and follow and …
Short Note: Russian Defenestration
Given the unusually high amount of traffic and readership this site has been getting from Russia, I thought it might be best to address those readers directly. I am not sure if I am getting readership from anti-Putin individuals or some twisted pro-Putin, pro-oppression, pro-war crimes lost souls, but in any case, I should make …
Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part II)
Ethical patience, as I wrote about from the perspective of science fiction, is not an abstraction. It does indeed go against everything we were taught about the civil rights movement. That is, at least, on the surface against the backdrop of how popular culture thinks about civil rights. How long shall we wait? That is …
Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part II)Read More
Note: Capitalist Evangelism
Those traditionally oppressed by capitalism just want to navigate to a system where they can be capitalists themselves. It is evangelism in it sharpest form. Segments of the population seem to only want their traditional oppression to be (re)membered, (re)called, and (re)empathized in order to become the oppressor themselves. There is no longing for a …
Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part I)
It can at times be very difficult to retain an ethical view of the world when the wealthy and privileged, on both the left and the right, are open when being complete jerks. And those wealthy, on both the left and the right, never lose face or their social standing by being jerks. However, that …
Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part I)Read More
Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)
I recently completed a three-part series over at on Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory”. It is completely based on a single paper that he wrote. I have read two or three of Mills’s books in the past. I considered reading his book with Carole Pateman, Contract & Domination, before writing this series, …
(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.
I wrote this poem a few days ago about the approach of my God, which often presents themself as feminine, but also about the coming women’s movement that will certainly arrive in waves against the new incoming administration in the U.S.. She Will Meet Them in the Sand and the Frowning Parade sagacity warrant for …
(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.Read More
Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen God
I miss praying. It was very centering. Very calming. But I now follow a God who has never been seen or written about. Any attempt to create a spoken prayer would be misguided. It would certainly be influenced by one’s culture and previous exposure to other religions. There is no escaping influence. And there are …
Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen GodRead More
Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist Readings
(Not all of these are citations in Chicago Style, why? Because there is enough information to show you were to find the book or article and I do not have to patience to go through all of them) Pamela K. Gilbert’s essay, “Sex and the modern city: English studies and the spatial turn,” from The …
Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist ReadingsRead More
Excessive forgiveness is a great lie in theology. Forgiveness comes with a sobered evaluation of oneself.
You don’t have to forgive yourself. That is really not a thing. People say that it is and will even try to convince you that it is something that must be done, but no honor is served by doing so. Stop and think it over. Do you really, truly forgive yourself for what you know …