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Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part II)

Ethical patience, as I wrote about from the perspective of science fiction, is not an abstraction. It does indeed go against everything we were taught about the civil rights movement. That is, at least, on the surface against the backdrop of how popular culture thinks about civil rights. How long shall we wait? That is …

Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part II)Read More

Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part I)

It can at times be very difficult to retain an ethical view of the world when the wealthy and privileged, on both the left and the right, are open when being complete jerks. And those wealthy, on both the left and the right, never lose face or their social standing by being jerks. However, that …

Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part I)Read More

(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.

I wrote this poem a few days ago about the approach of my God, which often presents themself as feminine, but also about the coming women’s movement that will certainly arrive in waves against the new incoming administration in the U.S.. She Will Meet Them in the Sand and the Frowning Parade sagacity warrant for …

(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.Read More

Reposting: Theory of Monetized Empathy

Theory of Monetized Empathy – states that people are more likely to be oppressed by other people if they lack financial well-being. Intersectionality still applies. This is a holistic theory, all encompassing, and true. Given the reality of economic inequality and humanity’s refusal to intellectually entertain abolishing currency, we are left with the reality that …

Reposting: Theory of Monetized EmpathyRead More

Memo: My Witnessing of the United States

Last month I wrote a rather important poem. It is important because it focused down on my testimony and insight into the United States. It is not easily understand or deciphered. However, such are the conditions I can say I am a witness to. If there is an afterlife, I will offer what insights I …

Memo: My Witnessing of the United StatesRead More

Note: The Separation of Spirituality and Civility (We are on our own)

The damage people do the ecosystem cannot be corrected with prayer. It does not matter what god one prays to. It does not matter how important the cause that led to the contribution to climate change. No prayer can be so sophisticated to undo such damages. There is no perfection of mysticism that will correct …

Note: The Separation of Spirituality and Civility (We are on our own)Read More

Flamm et al. on De-orbiting and the Environment and Arnaud on Degrowth and Low Earth Orbit

I recently read Flamm et al.’s paper, “Space sustainability through atmosphere pollution? De-orbiting atmosphere-blindness and planetary environmental justice” (The Anthropocene Review, 2024). There are some important points worth highlighting. I have been monitoring regional and localized light pollution ordinances and some legislation for a while. What I can say is that light pollution is a …

Flamm et al. on De-orbiting and the Environment and Arnaud on Degrowth and Low Earth OrbitRead More

Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist Maneuvering

From what I have been reading the last few months, here and there, capitalists are trying to modify critical thinking as a “soft skill” to navigate the global economy. Not to prioritize critical thinking as a primary skill to see through capitalism and understand the world as it really is. They will probably win in …

Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist ManeuveringRead More

A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human Rights

Ken Booth’s essay, “Three Tyrannies,” from the text, Human Rights in Global Politics (eds. Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler), posits a highly instructive foundation stone, a guide map, for societal change that considers our differences, argumentative positions, and then reifies human worth through a simple matter of direct application, though in reality, confrontation to …

A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human RightsRead More

God is Coming for Me Soon: My Ongoing, Complex, Relationship with Progressive Theology

Recently I wrote the poem, “A Vision of Sands,” about seeing my God with Her clinched hand, either about to rescue her people or already in the process of already doing so. This was not poetic extravagance, but an actual minor vision I experienced. This was far from the first time over the years, the …

God is Coming for Me Soon: My Ongoing, Complex, Relationship with Progressive TheologyRead More