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© Richard J Tilley. All Rights Reserved.
balance = properly appraised
balances = property appraised
Note: Capitalist Evangelism
Those traditionally oppressed by capitalism just want to navigate to a system where they can be capitalists themselves. It is evangelism in it sharpest form. Segments of the population seem to only want their traditional oppression to be (re)membered, (re)called, and (re)empathized in order to become the oppressor themselves. There is no longing for a …
Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)
The way I seem to think of it, ecology has a lot in common with ontology. If only we had an Emmanuel Levinas of ecology out there writing book after book today. Maybe there is and I just don’t know. And yes, I have several of John Bellamy Foster’s books. And no, I would not …
Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)Read More
Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist Maneuvering
From what I have been reading the last few months, here and there, capitalists are trying to modify critical thinking as a “soft skill” to navigate the global economy. Not to prioritize critical thinking as a primary skill to see through capitalism and understand the world as it really is. They will probably win in …
Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist ManeuveringRead More
A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human Rights
Ken Booth’s essay, “Three Tyrannies,” from the text, Human Rights in Global Politics (eds. Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler), posits a highly instructive foundation stone, a guide map, for societal change that considers our differences, argumentative positions, and then reifies human worth through a simple matter of direct application, though in reality, confrontation to …
A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human RightsRead More
Levinas and the Other
Emmanuel Levinas, in his book, Humanism of the Other (1972), states, in now outdated masculine-universal pronouns,“To suffer by the other is to take care of him, be in his place, consume oneself by him” (2006, 64). What Levinas teaches us that we are to become the other. In an ontological sense we are to place …