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Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist Maneuvering

From what I have been reading the last few months, here and there, capitalists are trying to modify critical thinking as a “soft skill” to navigate the global economy. Not to prioritize critical thinking as a primary skill to see through capitalism and understand the world as it really is. They will probably win in …

Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist ManeuveringRead More

Capitalism and Violence-Customs

There is the potential movement today for even the brightest types of democracies to normalize into a hybrid totalitarian, democracy-lite, formational violence. Of course, whether these institutions were ever true democracies to begin with should, must be questioned, but that historical mapping is beyond the scope of this present section, though not out of mind. …

Capitalism and Violence-CustomsRead More

Memo: Rethinking Degrowth as Resistance to Capitalism

I have had some time to rethink what Koch & Elmore wrote about Baudrillard’s elaboration on Marxist ideas and the pervasiveness of capitalism. I have two or three Baudrillard texts, but it has been so long since I have read them, I could not tell you if they discussed these issues, so keep in mind …

Memo: Rethinking Degrowth as Resistance to CapitalismRead More