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Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist Readings

(Not all of these are citations in Chicago Style, why? Because there is enough information to show you were to find the book or article and I do not have to patience to go through all of them) Pamela K. Gilbert’s essay, “Sex and the modern city: English studies and the spatial turn,” from The …

Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist ReadingsRead More

Excessive forgiveness is a great lie in theology. Forgiveness comes with a sobered evaluation of oneself.

You don’t have to forgive yourself. That is really not a thing. People say that it is and will even try to convince you that it is something that must be done, but no honor is served by doing so. Stop and think it over. Do you really, truly forgive yourself for what you know …

Excessive forgiveness is a great lie in theology. Forgiveness comes with a sobered evaluation of oneself.Read More

Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist Maneuvering

From what I have been reading the last few months, here and there, capitalists are trying to modify critical thinking as a “soft skill” to navigate the global economy. Not to prioritize critical thinking as a primary skill to see through capitalism and understand the world as it really is. They will probably win in …

Reposting short note: Critical Thinking as Liberation Tool, Not Capitalist ManeuveringRead More