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Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen God

I miss praying. It was very centering. Very calming. But I now follow a God who has never been seen or written about. Any attempt to create a spoken prayer would be misguided. It would certainly be influenced by one’s culture and previous exposure to other religions. There is no escaping influence. And there are …

Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen GodRead More

Reposting: Clarification of a poem

Lots on wordplay in the poem I wrote this morning. I suppose it helps to know that “love-in-idleness” is just another phrase for heartsease, which is a flower, a pansy, the type that most hybrids come from, Viola tricolor, / family Violacease. Play on heart /mix of/ word refrain (musical), symphonies, lecture halls, decry, shifting …

Reposting: Clarification of a poemRead More

Romantic Empathy as a Gateway to Ontological Empathy

The singular source that rejects empathy is possessiveness. The trajectory of selfhood that seeks the lure of possession is without stability or the confines or frail togetherness that bonds the absence of self into the chemistry of romantic interludes of selflessness and denial of form. When romantic empathy reaches formlessness it is prepared to embrace …

Romantic Empathy as a Gateway to Ontological EmpathyRead More

Romantic Awe and the Traces of Deleterious Dispensation

Romantic awe is like stroking your fingers along the inner traces of a sobole clock, so close to recess, so moved as to recoil. Romantic awe is lambast in sheep skin, too close to forging tidings; too far from our god-mother’s solstice embrace. What I have spent time attempting to warn you about is the …

Romantic Awe and the Traces of Deleterious DispensationRead More

The Lure of Awe and a Romantic Empathy Approach

Awe in our contemporary struggle is not without corporatism and digression from solitude. As we digress we feel closer to a social order and that feeling brings a sense of reward because we are social beings, intended to be together here in this space. However, awe and its lure has long been corrupted. It can …

The Lure of Awe and a Romantic Empathy ApproachRead More

What are the Consequences of Romantic Empathy?

Characteristics central to the English Romantic era were beauty and consciousness. To know a thing is to become a thing whereas that idea magnifies and precludes one’s own value of presence. This is not unlike the great fall at the Garden, where the true crime of Adam and Eve was the tailoring of possessiveness. To …

What are the Consequences of Romantic Empathy?Read More