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Not So Open Access After All: The Land Is Our Community

I had marked my calendar for when The Land Is Our Community: Aldo Leopold’s Environmental Ethic for the New Millennium would become open access, as the author told me would be, but it most certainly has not. Very disappointing. I even waited for some time after the initial release and searched for where the eBook …

Not So Open Access After All: The Land Is Our CommunityRead More

Flamm et al. on De-orbiting and the Environment and Arnaud on Degrowth and Low Earth Orbit

I recently read Flamm et al.’s paper, “Space sustainability through atmosphere pollution? De-orbiting atmosphere-blindness and planetary environmental justice” (The Anthropocene Review, 2024). There are some important points worth highlighting. I have been monitoring regional and localized light pollution ordinances and some legislation for a while. What I can say is that light pollution is a …

Flamm et al. on De-orbiting and the Environment and Arnaud on Degrowth and Low Earth OrbitRead More