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Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)

I recently completed a three-part series over at on Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory”. It is completely based on a single paper that he wrote. I have read two or three of Mills’s books in the past. I considered reading his book with Carole Pateman, Contract & Domination, before writing this series, …

Note on a Completed Project: Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” (Parts I-III)Read More

(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.

I wrote this poem a few days ago about the approach of my God, which often presents themself as feminine, but also about the coming women’s movement that will certainly arrive in waves against the new incoming administration in the U.S.. She Will Meet Them in the Sand and the Frowning Parade sagacity warrant for …

(Repost) The incoming, new major Women’s Movement, holy as it is.Read More

Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen God

I miss praying. It was very centering. Very calming. But I now follow a God who has never been seen or written about. Any attempt to create a spoken prayer would be misguided. It would certainly be influenced by one’s culture and previous exposure to other religions. There is no escaping influence. And there are …

Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen GodRead More