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Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part II)

Ethical patience, as I wrote about from the perspective of science fiction, is not an abstraction. It does indeed go against everything we were taught about the civil rights movement. That is, at least, on the surface against the backdrop of how popular culture thinks about civil rights. How long shall we wait? That is …

Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part II)Read More

Note: Capitalist Evangelism

Those traditionally oppressed by capitalism just want to navigate to a system where they can be capitalists themselves. It is evangelism in it sharpest form. Segments of the population seem to only want their traditional oppression to be (re)membered, (re)called, and (re)empathized in order to become the oppressor themselves. There is no longing for a …

Note: Capitalist EvangelismRead More

Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part I)

It can at times be very difficult to retain an ethical view of the world when the wealthy and privileged, on both the left and the right, are open when being complete jerks. And those wealthy, on both the left and the right, never lose face or their social standing by being jerks. However, that …

Collective Ethical Patience and Problem Solving in a Capitalist Society (Part I)Read More

Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen God

I miss praying. It was very centering. Very calming. But I now follow a God who has never been seen or written about. Any attempt to create a spoken prayer would be misguided. It would certainly be influenced by one’s culture and previous exposure to other religions. There is no escaping influence. And there are …

Short Memo: (Expanding a repost) – Considerations for Seeing an Unseen GodRead More

Excessive forgiveness is a great lie in theology. Forgiveness comes with a sobered evaluation of oneself.

You don’t have to forgive yourself. That is really not a thing. People say that it is and will even try to convince you that it is something that must be done, but no honor is served by doing so. Stop and think it over. Do you really, truly forgive yourself for what you know …

Excessive forgiveness is a great lie in theology. Forgiveness comes with a sobered evaluation of oneself.Read More

Note: A Truism from Trek about Theology   

This just a short note based on my own experiences and my strong interest in Star Trek. There is a line of dialogue that a brilliant writer, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, probably didn’t know he was getting correct. In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season one episode, “In the Hands of the Prophets” (1993). Vedek …

Note: A Truism from Trek about Theology   Read More

Possible Model for Alternative Futurism: Responsibility to Leave (R2L)

Cross-posted Memo I have long been an advocate that we need to take care of Mother Earth before we become too overwhelmingly concerned with colonizing other planets. I have long been an advocate for aggressive education reform. I believe that the goal of any progressing society should navigating towards abolishing capitalism. I will not repeat …

Possible Model for Alternative Futurism: Responsibility to Leave (R2L)Read More

Reposting: Theory of Monetized Empathy

Theory of Monetized Empathy – states that people are more likely to be oppressed by other people if they lack financial well-being. Intersectionality still applies. This is a holistic theory, all encompassing, and true. Given the reality of economic inequality and humanity’s refusal to intellectually entertain abolishing currency, we are left with the reality that …

Reposting: Theory of Monetized EmpathyRead More

Note: The Separation of Spirituality and Civility (We are on our own)

The damage people do the ecosystem cannot be corrected with prayer. It does not matter what god one prays to. It does not matter how important the cause that led to the contribution to climate change. No prayer can be so sophisticated to undo such damages. There is no perfection of mysticism that will correct …

Note: The Separation of Spirituality and Civility (We are on our own)Read More

Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)

The way I seem to think of it, ecology has a lot in common with ontology. If only we had an Emmanuel Levinas of ecology out there writing book after book today. Maybe there is and I just don’t know. And yes, I have several of John Bellamy Foster’s books. And no, I would not …

Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)Read More