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Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)

The way I seem to think of it, ecology has a lot in common with ontology. If only we had an Emmanuel Levinas of ecology out there writing book after book today. Maybe there is and I just don’t know. And yes, I have several of John Bellamy Foster’s books. And no, I would not …

Memo: Ecology, Ontology and the New School (Updated)Read More

Rights and Responsibilities: Addressing Love and Violence in a Post-Capitalist World

Love is always wise: So I heard a voice, perhaps it was a bird, telling me. At first, this is offensively incorrect. It means rejecting all means of self-protection, all methods of self-preservation. This is not the world we live in. We live in a fraught world of assorted love where real psychological, financial, emotional, …

Rights and Responsibilities: Addressing Love and Violence in a Post-Capitalist WorldRead More