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Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist Readings

(Not all of these are citations in Chicago Style, why? Because there is enough information to show you were to find the book or article and I do not have to patience to go through all of them) Pamela K. Gilbert’s essay, “Sex and the modern city: English studies and the spatial turn,” from The …

Very Incomplete List, but Perhaps Some Helpful Feminist ReadingsRead More

Excerpt from Erich Fromm’s Escape from Freedom

On the correlating rise of capitalism and individualism: “All human relationships were poisoned by the fierce life-and-death struggle for the maintenance of power and wealth. Solidarity with one’s fellow men – or at least with the members of one’s own class – was replaced by a cynical detached attitude; other individuals were looked upon as …

Excerpt from Erich Fromm’s Escape from FreedomRead More