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balances = property appraised
(Not all of these are citations in Chicago Style, why? Because there is enough information to show you were to find the book or article and I do not have to patience to go through all of them)
Pamela K. Gilbert’s essay, “Sex and the modern city: English studies and the spatial turn,” from The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (eds. Barney Warf and Santa Arias)
Kathleen M. Kirby’s boundary 2 article, “Thinking through the Boundary: The Politics of Location, Subjects, and Space” (1993)
Roxanne R. Reed’s “The Restorative Power of Sound: A Case for Communal Catharsis in Toni Morrison’s Beloved” (The Journal of Feminist Studies of Religion, 2007)
Sharlene Mollett and Caroline Faria, Gender, Place, and Culture article, “The spatialities of intersectional thinking: fashioning feminist geographic futures” (2018)
Toni Morrison novel, Home
Dr. Valerie Sweeney Prince’s text, Burnin’ Down the House: Home in African American Literature.
Susan Stanford Friedman’s Mappings: Feminism and the Cultural Geographies of Encounter
“Feminist Theory and Economic Geography,” (1994) a review by Andrew Leyshon and the prolific scholar, Liz Bondi
New French Feminisms: An Anthology, eds Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron
Alicia Arrizon, in her article, “Mythical Performativity: Relocating Aztlan in Chicana Feminist Cultural Productions,” (2000)
Sandrina de Finney writes in her essay, “Under the Shadow of Empire: Indigeneous Girls’ Presencing as Decolonizing Force,” (Mitchell and Rentschler, eds. Girlhood and the Politics of Place)
Ruth Salvaggio’s article, “Theory and Space, Space and Women,” (1988)
Maggie Andrews. “Homes Both Side of the Microphone” the wireless and domestic sphere in inter-war Britain.” Space, Place, and Gendered Identities: Feminist History and the Spatial Turn. eds. Katheryne Beede and Anglea Davis (2015)
Feminist scholar, Susan S. Lanser, in “Feminist Literary Criticism: How Feminist? How Literary? How Critical?” cites Todorov at length from his essay in Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s edited 1985 collection, “Race,” Writing, and Difference, (a collection from which I cite Sandra L. Gilman in my post, “Representation and Echoes of Exuberant Liberation in the Word ‘Juba’”)
Hortense J. Spillers essay, “Notes on an Alternative Model – Neither/Nor,” from Black, White, and in Color: Essays on American Literature and Culture
Caudwell, Jayne. “Jazzwomen: Music, Sound, Gender, and Sexuality.” Annals of Leisure Research, 15:4, 13 Dec 2012. 389-403.
Collins, Patricia Hill. “What’s in a Name? Womanism, Black Feminism, and Beyond.” The Black Scholar, Vol 26, No. 1, The Challenge of Blackness (Winter/Spring 1996). 9-17.
Dahl, Linda. Stormy Weather: The Music and Lives of a Century of Jazzwomen. New York: Limelight Editions, 1984. Print.
Davis, Angela Y. Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude “Ma” Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday. New York: Vintage Books, 1998. Print.
Hunter, Andrea G. and Sherrill L. Sellers. “Feminist Attitudes among African Amerinca Women and Men.” Gender and Society, Vol 12, No. 1 (Feb., 1998). 81-99.
Johnson-Bailey, Juanita. “Everyday Perspectives on Feminism: African American Women Speak Out.” Race, Gender, and Class, Vol 10, No 3 (2003). 82-99.
Kernodle, Tammy L. “Black Women Working Together: Jazz, Gender, and the Politics of Validation.” Black Music Research Journal, Vol 34, No 1. Spring 2014. 27-55.
Piekut, Benjamin. “New Thing? Gender and Sexuality in the Jazz Composers Guild.” American Quarterly, Vol. 62, No. 1 (March 2010). 25-48.
Simien, Evelyn M. “Gender Differences in Attitudes toward Black Feminism among African Americans.” Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 119, No. 2 (Summer 2004). 315-338.
Suisman, David. “Music: Was Bessie Smith a Feminist?” Souls, 1:1. 5 Jun 2009. 71-75.
Suzuki, Yoko. “Two Strikes and the Double Negative: The Intersections of Gender and Race in the Cases of Female Jazz Saxophonists.” Black Music Research Journal, Vol 22, No 2. Fall 2013. 207-226.
Klotman, Phyllis Rauch. “’Oh Freedom’ – – Women and History in Margaret Walker’s Jubilee.” African American Review. Source: Black Literature Forum. 11.4. Winter, 1997 (139-145). JSTOR Web. 14 Oct. 2011.
Mitchell, Angelyn. “Her Side of His Story: A Feminist Analysis of Two Nineteenth-Century Antebellum Novels – William Wells Brown’s ‘Clotel’ and Harriet E. Wilson’s ‘Our Nig’.” American Literary Realism, 1870-1910. 24.3. Spring 1992. (7-21). JSTOR Web. 14 Oct. 2011.
Morrison, Toni. “The Site of Memory.” The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. Ed. Henry Louis Gates Jr. et al. New York: W W Norton & Company, 2004. 2290-2297. Print.
Reed, Roxanne R. “The Restorative Power of Sound: A Case for Communal Catharsis in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. 23.1. Spring 2007. (55-71). Project Muse Web. 14 Nov. 2011.
Wall, Cheryl A. Worrying the Line: Black Women Writers, Lineage, and Literary Tradition. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005. Print.
Mitchell, Angelyn. “Not Enough of the Past: Feminist Revisions of Slavery in Octavia E. Butler’s ‘Kindred’” MELUS. 26.3. Autumn 2001. (57-75). JSTOR Web. 4 Nov. 2011.
Rushdy, Ashraf H. A. “Reading Mammy: The Subject of Relation in Sherely Anne Williams’ Dessa Rose.” African American Review. 27.3. Autumn 1993. (365-389). JSTOR Web. 4 Nov. 2011.
Emily A. Owens’s article, “Promise: Sexual Labor in the Space Between Slavery and Freedom” Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, Vol. 58, No. 2 (Spring 2017), pp. 179-216
Katherine McKittrick’s book, Demonic Grounds: Black Women and The Cartographies of Struggle
Amrita Chakrabarti Myers’s book, Forging Freedom: Black Women and the Pursuit of Liberty in Antebellum Charleston
Davis, Angela, “Women Race, and Class: An Activist Perspective,” Women’s Studies Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Winter, 1982), pp. 5-9
Women, Race, and Class, Angela Y. Davis, 1983.
Camillia Cowling, “‘As a slave woman and as a mother’: women and the abolition of slavery in Havana and Rio de Janeiro” Social History, Vol. 36, No. 3, CARIBBEAN EMANCIPATIONS (August 2011), pp. 294-311
Susan S. Lanser, in “Feminist Literary Criticism: How Feminist? How Literary? How Critical?” cites Todorov at length from his essay in Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s edited 1985 collection, “Race,” Writing, and Difference (1991)
Mary Frances Berry’s My Face Is Black Is True: Callie House and the Struggle for Ex-Slave Reparations (2005)
Tera Hunter’s To Joy My Freedom: Southern Black Women’s Lives and Labors After the Civil War (1997)
Stephanie Li’s book, Something Akin to Freedom: The Choice of Bondage in Narratives by African American Women (2010)
Toni Morrison’s essay, “The Foreigner’s Home”
Few, et al., “Sister-to-Sister Talk: Transcending Boundaries and Challenges in Qualitative Research with Black Women” Family Relations, (2003)
duCille, Ann, “Marriage, Family, and other ‘Peculiar Institutions’ in African-American Literary History,” American Literary History, Volume 21, Issue 3, Fall 2009, Pages 604–617
Sandra L. Gilman’s essay, “Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature,” Critical Inquiry
Vol. 12, No. 1, “Race,” Writing, and Difference (Autumn, 1985), pp. 204-242
Hortense J. Spillers essay, “Notes on an Alternative Model – Neither/Nor,” from Black, White, and in Color: Essays on American Literature and Culture (2003)
Abu-Lughold, Lila. “A Community of Secrets: The Separate World of Bedouin Women.” Signs. Vol. 10, No. 4 (Summer 1985). 637-657.
Adler, Rachel. Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology of Ethics. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.
Ager, Ben. Gender, Culture, and Power: Towards a Feminist Postmodern Critical Theory. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1994.
Ahmed, Sara. Living a Feminist Life. Durham: Duke University Press, 2017.
Baskin, Judith R. “Rabbinic Reflections on the Barren Wife.” The Harvard Theological Review, 82, No. 1 (Jan., 1989): 101-114.
Bronner, Leila L. “Hannah’s Prayer: Rabbic Ambivalence.” Shofar, 17, No. 2 (Winter 1999): 36-48.
Byfield, Judith A.. “From Ladies to Women,” Toward an Intellectual History of Black Women, eds. Mia Bay, Farah J. Griffin, Martha S. Jones, and Barbara D. Savage. Chapel Hill: University Of North Carolina Press, 2015.
Cacho, Lisa Marie. Social Death: Racialized Rightlessness and the Criminalization of the Unprotected. New York: New York University Press, 2012.
Chapman, Cynthia R. The Gendered Language of Warfare in the Israelite-Assyrian Encounter. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2004.
Cohen, Aryah. “The Sage and the Other Woman.” The Passionate Torah: Sex and Judaism ed. Danya Ruttenberg. New York: New York University Press, 2009.
Collins, Patricia Hill “What’s in a Name? Womanism, Black Feminism, and Beyond,” The Black Scholar, Vol. 26, No. 1 (1996), 9-17.
Cott, Nancy F. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987.
Crispin, Jessa. Why I am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto. Brooklyn: Melville House, 2017.
Davies, Eyrl W.. The Dissenting Reader: Feminist Approaches to the Hebrew Bible. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.
Diamond, Irene and David Seidenberg. “Sensuous Minds and the Possibilities of Jewish Ecofeminist Practice,” Ethics and Environment, Vol. 4 No. 2 (1999). 185-195.
Doan, Peter. “Coming out of Darkness in Activism.” Gender, Place, and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, Vol. 24, Issue 5 (2017), 1-6
Dube, Musa W.. Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2000.
Embry, Brad. “Legalities in the Book of Ruth: A Renewed Look.” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 41.1. 2016: 31-44.
Eskenazi, Dr. Tamara Cohn and Rabbi Andrea L. Weiss, Ph.D., eds., The Torah: A Women’s Commentary. New York: Union for Reform Judaism Press, 2008.
Fensham, F. Charles. “Widow, Orphan, and the Poor in Ancient near Eastern Legal and Wisdom Literature.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 21, No. 2 (Apr., 1962): 129-139.
Fergins, Riayn. “Follow the Oil Trail and You’ll Find the Girls.” Longreads March 2017. Accessed April 5 2017,
Fraiman, Susan. Extreme Domesticity: A View from the Margins. New York: Columbia University Press, 2017.
Gaard, Greta. “Ecofeminism Revisited: Rejecting Essentialism and Re-Placing Species in a Material Feminist Environmentalism.” Feminist Formations. Vol. 23, Issue 2. (2011). 26-53.
Gafney, Wilda C.. Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2008).
Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie. “Integrating Disability, Transforming Feminist Theory.” NWSA Journal 14, No 3 (Fall 2002): 1-32.
Gebara, Ivone. Out of the Depths: Women’s Experience of Evil and Salvation. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002.
Giddings, Paula. When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America. New York: Amistad, 1984.
Gilmore, Leigh. Tainted Witness: Why We Doubt What Women Say About Their Lives. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016.
Guenther, Lisa. “The Ethics and Politics of Otherness: Negotiation Alterity and Racial Difference.” philoSOPHIA, Vol. 1.2 (2011): 195-214.
Gurel, Prein. “Transnational Feminism, Islam, and the Other Woman: How to Teach.” The Radical Teacher, No. 86 (Winter 2009). 66-70.
Hill Collins, Patricia. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. New York: Routledge, 2000.
hooks, bell. Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics. Cambridge: South End Press, 2000).
— Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2000.
— The Will to Change: Men Masculinity, and Love. New York: Washington Square Press, 2004.
Irigaray, Luce. Sharing the World. London: Continuum, 2008.
— Speculum of the Other Woman. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1985.
— This Sex Which is Not One. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1985.
Jayawardena, Kumari. Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World. London: Verso, 2016.
Jewish Study Bible, The: Featuring The Jewish Publication Society Tanakh Translation. Michael Fishbane, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Johnston, Janice. “‘I’m the victim and I’m in shackles’: Edmonton woman jailed while testifying against her attacker.” CBC News, 5 June 2017, retrieved 7 June 2017,
Junior, Nyasha. An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Tradition. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press, 2015.
“Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Surprises Synagogue as Rosh Hashanah Guest Speaker,” Haaretz from the Associated Press, 21 Sept, 2017 accessed 21 Sept 2017
Kamitsuka, Margaret D. Feminist Theology and the Challenge of Difference. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Kirk, Gwyn. “Ecofeminism and Environmental Justice: Bridges across Gender, Race, and Class.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2. (1997). 2-20.
Knott, Helen. Peace River Rising. Directed by Frederick Kroetsch, Canada, CBC, 2017. Accessed April 5,
Laware, Margaret L. “Circling the Missiles and Staining Them Red: Feminist Rhetorical Invention and Strategies of Resistance at the Women’s Peace Camp at Greenham Common.” NWSA Journal, 16, No. 3 (Fall 2004): 18-41.
Mann, Susan A.. “Pioneers of U.S. Ecofeminism and Environmental Justice.” Feminist Formations. Vol. 23, Issue 2. (2011). 1-25.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory. Practicing Solidarity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
Moughtin-Mumby, Sharon. Sexual and Marital Metaphors in Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Nakano Glenn, Evelyn. Forced to Care: Coercion and Caregiving in America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010.
Plaskow, Judith. “Finding a God I can Believe in.” Judith Plaskow and Carol P. Christ Goddess and God in the World: Conversations in Embodied Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2016.
— Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1991.
Pui-lan, Kowk. Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2005.
“Remembering Rachel Corrie, 14 years after the Israeli military killed her in Gaze.” Mondoweiss, March 16, 2017, Accessed March 31, 2017,
Robertson, Amy H. C. “Rahab and Her Interpreters.” Carol A. Newsom, et al, eds. Women’s Bible Commentary. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.
Sa’ar, Amalia. “Postcolonial Feminism, the Politics of Identity, and the Liberal Bargain.” Gender and Society, Vol. 19, No 5 (Oct. 2005). 680-700.
Scholz, Susanne. Sacred Witness: Rape in the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010.
Scott, Joan Wallach. Gender and the Politics of History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.
Spain, Daphne. Constructive Feminism: Women’s Spaces and Women’s Rights in the American City. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016.
Stabile, Carol A. and Carrie Rentschler. “States of Insecurity and the Gendered Politics of Fear.” NWSA Journal, Vol. 17 No. 3 (Fall 2005). vvi-xxv.
Sufrin, Carolyn. Jailcare: Finding the Safety Net for Women Behind Bars. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2017.
Trible, Phyllis. Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narrative. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984.
Umansky, Ellen M. “Feminism and the Reevaluation of Women’s Roles,” in Women, Religion, and Social Change, ed. Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad. New York: State University of New York Press, 1985.
Wadi, Shahd. “Ain’t I a Palestinian Woman,” Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space, and Resistance, ed. Ghadeer Malek and Ghaida Moussa. Toronto: Inanna, 2014.
Weems, Retina J. Battered Love: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.
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Westfield, Nancy Lynne. “Mama Why…” A Womanist Epistemology of Hope.” Deeper Shades of Purple: Womanism in Religion and Society. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
Williams, Delores S. Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2013.
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