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Short Note: Russian Defenestration

Given the unusually high amount of traffic and readership this site has been getting from Russia, I thought it might be best to address those readers directly. I am not sure if I am getting readership from anti-Putin individuals or some twisted pro-Putin, pro-oppression, pro-war crimes lost souls, but in any case, I should make …

Short Note: Russian DefenestrationRead More

Memo: My Witnessing of the United States

Last month I wrote a rather important poem. It is important because it focused down on my testimony and insight into the United States. It is not easily understand or deciphered. However, such are the conditions I can say I am a witness to. If there is an afterlife, I will offer what insights I …

Memo: My Witnessing of the United StatesRead More

The Falsehood of Authorship as Authority

Authority comes in the form of peacekeeping and the art of conflict resolution, not in an individual who writes five volumes on a philosophy of snake-like symbolism – all while inserting themselves into the work: a self-referential master-pretense of autography. It is one thing to illustrate, to explicate, how oppression works. It is another to …

The Falsehood of Authorship as AuthorityRead More