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A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human Rights

Ken Booth’s essay, “Three Tyrannies,” from the text, Human Rights in Global Politics (eds. Tim Dunne and Nicholas J. Wheeler), posits a highly instructive foundation stone, a guide map, for societal change that considers our differences, argumentative positions, and then reifies human worth through a simple matter of direct application, though in reality, confrontation to …

A Vision for a Culture of Emancipatory Human RightsRead More

Rights and Responsibilities: Addressing Love and Violence in a Post-Capitalist World

Love is always wise: So I heard a voice, perhaps it was a bird, telling me. At first, this is offensively incorrect. It means rejecting all means of self-protection, all methods of self-preservation. This is not the world we live in. We live in a fraught world of assorted love where real psychological, financial, emotional, …

Rights and Responsibilities: Addressing Love and Violence in a Post-Capitalist WorldRead More

Notes and rough drafts: When de Saints: African American Historicity and the Pursuit of Justice

I. Mishnah Qiddushin 3 outlines that a mamzer may achieve his freedom if his parents are sold into slavery and are then freed, freeing him into normalized relations with Jewish society with all the rights and privileges thereto. Here, through ancient subjugation one finds a pathway into privileged society. Emily A. Owens, in her article, …

Notes and rough drafts: When de Saints: African American Historicity and the Pursuit of JusticeRead More