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Possible Model for Alternative Futurism: Responsibility to Leave (R2L)

Cross-posted Memo

I have long been an advocate that we need to take care of Mother Earth before we become too overwhelmingly concerned with colonizing other planets. I have long been an advocate for aggressive education reform. I believe that the goal of any progressing society should navigating towards abolishing capitalism. I will not repeat what I have elaborated on elsewhere, extensively, but the idea is that without capitalism humanity will still strive to be its best self. That is, if we can address education disparities and understanding how to eliminate violence from society. This model of progress is not dissimilar to a Star Trek model of futurism where Earth is a paradise of freedom and safety.

However, what if the imagined projections of Star Trek are the wrong way of thinking about it. What if we should be considering a Battlestar Galactica (Ronald D. Moore remake) vision of resolving social ills. With greater polarization, increased hate, fascism, and governments’s obsession with authoritarian oppression, perhaps, to put it simply, we should thinking “There must be some way out of here” (Bob Dylan said that). Possibly the goal of futurism we should be putting our energy towards is not a solarpunk, regenerative, degrowth model, but just separating humanity. I am perfectly aware this would come at a great cost and nature and Mother Earth would suffer if left in the hands of the dominant powers. However, there must come a time where we say this is not working and is not going to work.

If select groups work towards a right to leave, a Responsibility to Leave (R2L) [my phrase, intentionally borrowed from Responsibility to Protect (R2P)], there is the possibility that such strives in innovation to make that possible, combined with the separation of the species, just might be what saves us in the end. No, it is not ideal. It is not what I would want if I had a choice. What I am saying is it is some aspects of this alternate futurism should be considered, explored, and seriously contemplated. I am not suggesting starting a R2L movement tomorrow, but it should be a thoroughly considered option.