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Reposting: Theory of Monetized Empathy

Theory of Monetized Empathy – states that people are more likely to be oppressed by other people if they lack financial well-being. Intersectionality still applies. This is a holistic theory, all encompassing, and true.

Given the reality of economic inequality and humanity’s refusal to intellectually entertain abolishing currency, we are left with the reality that we would be seen under this gaze. We are what we are. I am not saying there is not a healthy place for idealism in our collective cultures, but there is a big difference between idealism and deluding ourselves. We are dark creatures. We always have been. We think society has advanced, but for whom? And to what degree? And with what promptness? I have been giving some thought to what I call the theory of monetized empathy, which states that people are more likely to be oppressed by other people if they lack financial well-being. Intersectionality still applies. This takes nothing away from intersectionality. It does indicate that the voices heard at the lowest volume are those without the capital to warrant discussion by the upperclasses (plural, because there are many segments).