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Short Note: John Bellamy Foster thinks mass murder is acceptable

Ecosocialism does not include mass murder, but it seems, John Bellamy Foster did not get the memo. Here he is quoting Lenin with reverence: In applying a historical materialist critique to the process of the destruction of reason, Lukács, periodised the growth of irrationalism in terms of the imperialist or monopoly stage of capitalism. Lenin …

Short Note: John Bellamy Foster thinks mass murder is acceptableRead More

Memo: Rethinking Degrowth as Resistance to Capitalism

I have had some time to rethink what Koch & Elmore wrote about Baudrillard’s elaboration on Marxist ideas and the pervasiveness of capitalism. I have two or three Baudrillard texts, but it has been so long since I have read them, I could not tell you if they discussed these issues, so keep in mind …

Memo: Rethinking Degrowth as Resistance to CapitalismRead More

Degrowth as Resistance, Despite Baudrillard’s Networking of Fetishism

Koch & Elmore (2006) argue that contrary to popular opinion Baudrillard’s later work did not abandon Marxist theory. He elaborated on it. Baudrillard expanded on the “macro-molecular code” of Marxist thought (see 561). Baudrillard showed that the sign and the signifier, the code and representation, didn’t puff out Marx’s ideas with the failure of the …

Degrowth as Resistance, Despite Baudrillard’s Networking of FetishismRead More